Thursday, June 11, 2009

Secrets of super achievers

Implement any of these 7 secrets outlined below and you WILL be able to achieve a lot more, doing less.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #1:

Understand that time management, is really life
management. As Peter Drucker said, "You cannot manage
time; you can only manage yourself.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #2:

You cannot save time. You can only spend it
differently. Reallocation of time from non-revenue
generating activities to activities of your highest
value is an absolute must.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #3:

The quality of your time management determines the
quality of your life.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #4:

You will NEVER get caught up. There will ALWAYS be
something more to do.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #5:

Individuals who concentrate on activities that have no
potential significance to their life or work will
always be shackled to mediocrity.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #6:

There are only 4 ways to change your life. You can do
completely new things, more of certain things, less of
certain things or stop doing altogether.

60 Minute Lifestyle Secret #7:

No one is smarter or better than you. All things being
equal, people more well off than you have just figured
out the right things to do, in the right way, and are
doing them over and over again.

Taken from the mouth of Jo Han Mok (1 of the better IM copywriters around).

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